Netdata Team

Netdata Team

March 6, 2024

New Streamlined Plan Structure

UPDATE: Netdata is introducing a streamlined plan structure, sunsetting Early Bird plans on 13-03-2024.

As the landscape of real-time monitoring evolves, so does the diversity and complexity of use cases that our community brings to Netdata. Our mission has always been to democratize monitoring by making it accessible, powerful, and scalable for everyone. With the rapid growth of our user base and their expanding needs, it’s become clear that our plan structure must evolve to maintain this mission sustainably.

A Unified Plan Structure

We are launching a new unified plan structure, that will come into effect on March 13th, 2024. This evolution from our previous offerings, including Early Bird and Unlimited Community Plans, is designed to cater more effectively to the diverse needs of our community. The new structure comprises four tailored plans:

  • Netdata Enterprise: For large-scale professional and organizational use, offering comprehensive monitoring fully on-premise.
  • Netdata Business: Designed for businesses seeking robust monitoring with advanced features.
  • Netdata Homelab: Tailored for enthusiasts monitoring personal projects in a homelab environment.
  • Netdata Community: Our commitment to accessibility continues with this plan, intended as a playground to experience Netdata and for users with very basic monitoring needs.

What is Changing?

The Unified Plan Structure introduces a fair usage policy applicable to all spaces (accounts), ensuring a balanced approach to usage based on intent and the number of monitored nodes and will have the following impact to existing plans:

  • The Early Bird and Unlimited Community Plans will be discountinued on 13-03-2024.
  • The Business and Homelab Plans will remain the same with no impact to users.
  • The Community (2023.11) Plan remains the same with no impact to users.

What does this mean for existing users?

The changes only impact users on Early Bird and Old Unlimited Community (2023.02) plans.

This transition marks a shift towards a structured offering that aligns with your monitoring needs and usage patterns. Here’s what the transition entails:

  • 60-Day Free Trial of Netdata Business: Automatically granted to users currently on Early Bird and Unlimited Community Plans, offering a seamless experience to explore Business Plan features.
  • Choosing Your Next Plan: After the trial, select from the Enterprise, Business, Homelab, or Community Plans based on your specific needs and usage.

Addressing Your Concerns

Why the Change?
Adapting our plan structure enables us to streamline operations, ensure fair resource allocation, and focus on sustainable growth. It’s a step forward in our commitment to providing a high-quality, scalable solution for real-time monitoring.

Ensuring a Smooth Transition
We understand that changes like these come with questions and potential concerns. Our goal is to make this transition as smooth as possible:

  • No Immediate Action Required: Enjoy the full benefits of the Business Plan during the trial without any disruption to your service.
  • Informed Decision Making: We’ll provide detailed information to help you choose the best plan for your needs after the trial period.
  • Special Offer for Our Early Supporters: Recognizing the invaluable role of our early adopters, we’re offering a 25% lifetime discount on the Business Plan for users transitioning from the Early Bird and Unlimited Community Plans.

We’re Here to Support You

Change, even when for the better, can be challenging. We’re dedicated to supporting you through this transition. For any queries, concerns, or guidance on selecting your new plan, reach out to us at

This plan restructuring is an evolution towards a future where Netdata continues to serve as your trusted partner in monitoring. It reflects our dedication to innovation, service quality, and community support. Together, we’ll continue to tackle monitoring challenges and seize opportunities for growth and improvement.

Thank you for being a vital part of the Netdata community. Here’s to the next chapter in our journey together.


Q: Why is Netdata changing its plan structure?
A: We’re simplifying our plan offerings to streamline operations, ensure fair resource usage, and support sustainable growth. This change will help us deliver a more efficient and agile service to our community.

Q: What are the new plans available?
A: Starting March 13th, 2024, we’ll offer four plans: Netdata Enterprise, Netdata Business, Netdata Homelab, and Netdata Community. Each is designed to meet the specific needs of different user segments, from large organizations to personal, non-professional use.

Q: What will happen to my current Early Bird or Unlimited Community Plan?
A: If you’re on one of these plans, you’ll be automatically transitioned to a 60-day free trial of the Netdata Business plan. After the trial, you can choose the plan that best suits your needs.

Q: What if I don’t choose a new plan after the trial?
A: If you don’t select a new plan, you will automatically be moved to the Netdata Community Plan, which includes usage limits. However, these limits are designed to accommodate the needs of many of our users comfortably.

Q: Will there be any cost to me after the change?
A: It depends on your usage and the plan you select after the trial period. We’re offering a 25% lifetime discount on the Business Plan for those affected by the change, applicable for annual plans. If your usage fits within the new Community Plan’s limits, there may be no cost to you.

Q: Can I keep monitoring the same number of nodes?
A: The ability to concurrently monitor the same number of nodes will depend on the plan you choose after the trial. The Community Plan has limits on concurrently monitored nodes, but the Homelab, Business, and Enterprise plans are designed to accommodate monitoring at any scale.

Q: What are the limits on the Community plan? A: The Community Plan has a limit of 5 nodes that can be concurrently monitored and visualized on the Netdata dashboards. You can have an unlimited number of nodes connected to Netdata Cloud, however you will need to choose which 5 nodes you want to visualize at a given time.

Q: How do I choose a new plan or take advantage of the discount?
A: You can select a new plan or apply the discount by visiting the Plans and Billing section in the Netdata App. Enter the provided coupon code at checkout to apply the discount.

Q: What if I have more concerns, questions or need assistance choosing a plan?
A: We’re here to help. Please reach out to us at with any questions or for guidance on selecting the plan that’s right for you.

Q: How does this affect my data and the monitoring I currently have set up?
A: Your data and current monitoring setups will not be affected during the transition to the new plan structure. We aim to make this process as seamless as possible for all our users.

Q: I am already a Netdata Business or Homelab user, how does this change affect me?
A: You will NOT be affected in any way.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we make these changes to better serve you and the entire Netdata community.

Happy Troubleshooting!

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